Children’s information

At Castlechurch, you are at the heart of everything we do. You know you have trusted adults in school that you can speak to. Your head teacher, teachers, teaching assistants, lunch time staff, office staff and even our wonderful caretaker will always listen and help you. Remember that we have worry boxes and emotion boards in every class. You know how to use them! We will discuss some topics in PSHE/RE/Assembly/World and Picture news that you might want to discuss further. Please just ask.

If you feel there is an issue in your life that you prefer to discuss with someone other than us or your trusted adult at home then Childline is a brilliant resource. Its free and you can ring them or find them on the internet.

British Values and Equality at Castlechurch

Through our assemblies and teaching we want you all to know that you are equal. We know that we are all part of the community in which we live and we might have different backgrounds, beliefs and experiences in life. We will teach you all about the Christian Faith but also other religions so that we have an understanding of The Wider World. This is why we will talk about other cultures celebrations such as Diwali, Eid and Hanukkah. We will also teach about non-religious beliefs. Our assemblies and BBC Newsround will support this teaching and where possible we will take you to places of worship to experience things first hand, such as when you are in year 3-4 we go to The Derby Faith Trail at "The Open Centre". If ever you need to talk about your faith your class teacher will listen.

Relationships and sexuality education is part of our teaching and assemblies at Castlechurch. We understand that you may have questions or need support with relationships. This could be friendships to parents and with each other as boyfriend/girlfriend or same sex.

You may even have questions about your own sexuality/identity and need someone to talk to. Mrs Cranwell will always listen.

Useful Maths links to support home learning:

Below are a number of free resources that you can use to help with your maths basic skills.

NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks

Times tables games - Learn them all here!

Pupil leadership

At school we have our pupil leadership teams. Our School council, Head& deputy boy/girl, House captains, Friendship Champions, Eco team, Sports leaders are there to represent you. If you would like the teachers to discuss something at their staff meeting that is important to you or would make a difference to making school even better then just talk to your leaders. Their names are all displayed on the poster (on your classroom door)

Mrs Goodyear and Mrs Cranwell lead weekly assemblies and can always do an assembly on something important to you.

Reporting an online incident

If an incident happens to you online then please talk to a trusted adult. If you feel that you can't do this, then click on the link below.

CEOP Safety Centre

Parent information that will help you

If you were not able to make the Information meetings, or need a reminder through the year, please see your child's phase power-point presentation below.